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From news headlines to industry chatter, there is a bold declaration that the end of virtual and hybrid events is nigh. But let’s challenge this narrative.

Virtual Events are dead, long live virtual events

Virtual Events are Dead, Long Live Virtual Events.

Despite the dramatic headlines, the truth is far more nuanced. With proper planning and investment, virtual and hybrid events can offer substantial value when executed correctly.
With the right partner, like SFG Productions, offering expertise in strategy, content planning, and execution, you can transform your event from blah to brilliant.

Myths Vs. Realities of Virtual and Hybrid Events

Here are some myths regarding virtual and hybrid events we’re more than happy to bust.

Myth 1: Virtual and Hybrid Events Are Ineffective

Many believe that virtual and hybrid events don’t measure up to the in-person experience, rendering them flat and ineffective.
Reality: Virtual and hybrid events have proven to increase accessibility and inclusivity, allowing a broader audience to participate. With a well-thought-out strategy, virtual events can be just as engaging, if not more so, than their in-person counterparts.

Here is a link to help you get the most out of your virtual event.

Myth 2: Audience Engagement Is Lower

There’s a common misconception that virtual events struggle to keep attendees engaged, especially as our attention spans continue to diminish.

Reality: A smart mix of innovative engagement techniques and thoughtful planning, such as interactive polls, breakout rooms, augmented reality, curated 1-on-1 meets with special access to speakers and on-site guests, and real-time Q&A sessions, can significantly boost engagement. Limiting the length of the program is also a way to keep the momentum going.

Virtual Event Staff

Myth 3: Technical Issues Are Inevitable

The fear of technical glitches and user error often deters organizations from hosting virtual events.

Reality: Proper planning and the right technology can minimize technical issues. Of course, following best practices, such as thorough rehearsals, having a dedicated tech support team, and clear participation protocols upfront, are a no-brainer. But the importance of having a solid script and run-of-show—that follows a narrative—can’t be overstated. Especially, if you want to ensure a smooth event experience.

Here is a link on how to avoid common virtual event tech errors.


Benefits of Virtual and Hybrid Events

Increased Reach and Accessibility

Virtual and hybrid events break geographical barriers, allowing global participation. For instance, the World Health Summit successfully hosted attendees from over 50 countries, creating an important international dialogue.

Virtual events can save you money. They reduce expenses related to travel, accommodation, and venue rental. A recent comparison shows virtual events can save up to 60% of the costs associated with traditional events.

Flexibility and Convenience
Participants can join from anywhere in the world, making virtual events incredibly convenient. Additionally, recorded, on-demand content ensures that those who cannot attend live can still benefit from the event.

Strategies for Successful Virtual and Hybrid Events

Engaging Content Planning
Dynamic and interactive content with a strong, purposeful narrative is key to keeping audiences engaged. Incorporating various interactive formats like panels, Q&A sessions, and workshops helps your audience feel seen and heard.

Technology and Platform Selection
Choosing the right technology is crucial. Do your research to evaluate popular platforms that best meet your event needs.

Key Features
Best For
User Ratings (G2)
Registration support, multi-stage sessions, real-time analytics, custom branding
Free plan for up to 2 hours, paid plans start at $99/month
Versatile for various event types
Salesforce, Mailchimp, HubSpot, Slack
Personalized interaction, data-driven insights, extensive engagement tools
Custom pricing
High-touch industries, enterprise events
Eloqua, HubSpot, Marketo, Salesforce
Add New
Custom pricing
Career fairs, virtual expos
Eloqua, HubSpot, Marketo, Zoom
HD streaming, virtual exhibit halls, customizable registration, detailed analytics
Free for up to 25 attendees, paid plans start at $129/month
Networking-focused events
Zapier, YouTube, Vimeo, HubSpot
Video engagement, email tracking, social sharing, GDPR compliant
Custom pricing
Webinars, video meetings
HubSpot, Salesforce, Slack
Registration management, live streaming, event promotion, gamification
Custom pricing
Comprehensive event management
Eventbrite, HubSpot, Mailchimp
Community boards, detailed attendee profiles, tiered tickets
Custom pricing
Interactive virtual events
Zoom, HubSpot, Slack
Microsoft Teams
Integration with Office 365, secure video conferencing, collaboration tools
Included with Office 365 subscription
Internal meetings, community events
Office 365 suite

SFG Productions: How We Breathe Life into Your Event.

Our Expertise
At SFG Productions, we exist in a category all our own, offering the perfect balance between technical execution and creative expertise. Our portfolio includes numerous success stories of how we’ve turned client visions into engaging and impactful events.

But you don’t have to take our word for it, look at our case studies to see the type of work we do and the results we bring.

Tailored Solutions
We offer customized strategies designed to align closely with your company and event vision, meet specific event goals, and ensure uninterrupted connectivity. For instance, during the pandemic, Sundance’s Annual Park Slope festival couldn’t be an in-person event, so they needed to adapt and reach their devoted audience right where they were – online.

Sundance turned to SFG to produce the Beyond Film content to enhance the digital experience and ensure audiences were not missing out.

As a result, attendees from a staggering 120 countries around the globe came together, transcending geographical boundaries to celebrate the art of independent cinema. An estimated 500,000 viewers were captivated by the Beyond Film content, proving that even in a digital landscape, Sundance’s magnetic pull remains unshaken.

You can see the Sundance case study here.

Comprehensive Support
SFG Productions provides end-to-end support from planning to execution. Our services go beyond content planning, technology setup, and real-time technical assistance. We offer public speaking coaching as well as programming and presentation consultation that no A/V company can provide.
For a bigger look at what SFG Productions can do, please read more at our full Broadcast and Virtual Events Services page.

Measuring Success and ROI

Key Metrics to Track
Beyond the applause, tracking key metrics is essential for evaluating the success of your event. Focus on KPIs such as attendance rates, content engagement post conference, engagement levels, and post-event feedback.

Gathering and Analyzing Feedback
Collecting and analyzing attendee feedback helps identify areas for improvement. Use timely surveys and feedback tools to gather insights.

Continuous Improvement
The data doesn’t lie. Utilize the findings to refine future events. Iterative improvements based on feedback ensure that each event is better than the last.

For for information about tracking success metrics, please see our blog post: Event Analytics, Measuring and Understanding Your Event’s Impact

The Wrap Up

Recap of Key Points
Virtual and hybrid events are far from dead. They can be highly engaging and effective with the proper partner, planning, and innovative strategies.

Call to Action
Invest in well-planned virtual and hybrid events to reap their many benefits. Contact SFG Productions today to see how we can alchemize your audience and help make your next event a resounding success.

We Look Forward to Keeping in Touch!