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Part 2: Benefits of Storytelling in Live Events

Don’t just get their attention. Foster a connection.

A Quick Recap

In our last article, we explored the transformative power of storytelling in live events and defined the main aspects that serve as the engine of storytelling; Character + Desire > Obstacle > Resolution. We discussed how a well-told narrative can captivate an audience, create emotional connections, and empower people to change their minds and take action. 

Today, we’ll get a little more granular about the tangible benefits of incorporating storytelling into your live events and how this approach can elevate your message and inspire action.

Come along as we demonstrate—through data-driven insights and real-life examples—how storytelling can enhance audience engagement, create memorable experiences, and champion deeper connections.

The Data Doesn’t Lie

Storytelling is a powerful tool for capturing and maintaining audience attention. Events that integrate storytelling see a significant boost in audience engagement. 

For instance, studies show that 55% of consumers are more likely to remember a story than a list of facts.

92% of consumers want brands to make ads that feel like a story.

68% of consumers say that brand stories influence their purchasing decisions.

Companies with compelling brand stories have a 20% increase in customer loyalty.

64% of consumers make a purchase after watching a branded social media video.

And, in an article titled “The Irresistible Power of Storytelling as a Strategic Business Tool,”  in the Harvard Business Review, the authors highlight that people are 22 times more likely to remember a fact when it has been wrapped in a story. 

Why Do Stories Make Events Memorable?

To answer that we’ll have to take a look at what psychology teaches us. Think back to a time when you attended a conference or seminar. What stuck with you? Chances are, the sessions you remember most vividly are the ones that included compelling stories.

Did you know that when we hear a story, our brains release dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and memory? This chemical reaction helps us remember the details and emotions associated with the story​.

We recently helped a pharma company introduce a new executive from consumer brands. To ease employee concerns, we had him share his personal story—how his mother’s passing sparked his passion for healthcare. It reframed him as a leader returning to his roots instead of a carpetbagger looking to burn down the company. He was there to use his breadth of knowledge to integrate and elevate—he was truly there to be a part of their team.

The audience was not only captivated but they were disarmed. This helped to facilitate active participation in discussions and Q&A sessions that led to a more dynamic and engaging event.

Need some inspo? Take a look at some ways to create memorable experiences here.

Foster Deeper Connections with Your Audience

Storytelling has a profound relational impact, which is why you should choose your personal stories carefully and with sensitivity. When stories are shared, they create a symbiotic experience that bridges gaps and builds trust or alienates your audience, and it’s important to note the difference. Telling of one’s eventual triumphs after a series of mishaps and mistakes can come off as relatable. But not every story strikes the right chord. At one event we attended, the speaker chose to define his success by his ability to purchase a sportscar. This came off as tone-deaf and frivolous—especially in a room full of sales associates whose hard work had paid for it. Building a strong connection is particularly important in corporate events where the goal is often to unite and inspire a diverse group of attendees​.

A powerful example is the TED conference format, something our CEO Sean Gannet knows quite a bit about. TED emphasizes personal stories and experiences to back up bold claims, facts, and evidence. An approach that not only engages the audience but also creates a sense of community and shared purpose. When speakers are vulnerable and open, it encourages the audience to connect on a deeper level, resulting in a more meaningful and impressive event.



Tap into the power of vulnerability and authenticity in storytelling to foster deeper connections with your audience. A strong narrative arc can transform your events into impactful and unforgettable experiences that will stay with your audience long after they’ve left the premises. And that’s exactly what you want.


Stay tuned for the final part of our series, where we will guide you through the practical steps of crafting your story for live events. From identifying your core message to integrating seamless technology to maximize the power of your story. We’ll provide you with the tools and insights you need to create compelling narratives that will take your event from standard to So F’n Good (courtesy of SFG).

We Look Forward to Keeping in Touch!